Counseling approach in DAS aims to provide students with an opportunity to talk through their difficulties in a supportive environment. It can be implemented through prevention and intervention programs as a comprehensive school counseling program such as Positive Behavior Support (PBS). By one-to-one basis, counselors can help students to find out their own ways of addressing their issues and expressing their feelings
Guidance counseling program is a child-centered, developmental and proactive program. It is an integral-interrelated part of the educational program that is implemented from Pre-K till Grade 12. Counselors efficiently collaborate with learners, teachers, administrators, and parents to create a comfortable environment that is based on care to help and support learners’ social-emotional development. There is a wide range of areas in which the counseling support can be provided such as academic, behavioral, psychological and social emotional development.

Counselors help students move towards their personal goals and follow up by bringing about improvements and support their wellbeing. To assure learners’ holistic progress, the counselors offer consultations, interventions, and follow up to learners who face changes and challenges in their lives; such as, divorce of parents, transition, death, and problems with peers, bullying, study habits, and others.

They approach learners through various activities related to their problems, concerns, developmental issues, or other sudden arisen conflicts. The counselors reflect through observations from activities’ outcomes to detect the learners who may need immediate support to overcome a certain crisis. The counselor interferes immediately by interviewing the learner individually and contacting their parents for further support. The counselor plays a vital role by raising awareness through guiding learners and helping them believe in their abilities in order to overcome their challenges; and their physical and social emotional changes. Emotional and behavioral concerns can be identified by counseling department at an early stage.

The counselling process aims at helping the students in solving their problems, furthering their self-knowledge, and self-satisfaction. These goals of school counseling are to support students’ learning and help them succeed and achieve their personal goals under the umbrella of the general goals of Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the recently transformation of education which will be aligned with Saudi Vision 2030.

The counselor closely mentors them to become problem solvers, independent learners, believers in their capabilities, and encourages them to always have the willingness to offer help and support to their classmates, siblings, and other people in the world. The counselor helps them learn how to share ideas clearly and respectfully, accept others’ perspectives, understand cultural diversity and empower their willingness to develop as global and productive citizens.

من: إدارة مدارس الظهران الاهلية
الى: الاهالي الكرام
بشأن: الية التعلم عن بعد
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
مع استمرار تعليق المدارس ، يستمر التعلم عن بعد في مدارس الظهران الاهلية. لقد قمنا بتصميم جدول متوازن يتيح المجال لجلسات تفاعلية تعزز المعارف والمهارات ، مع التركيز على ملامح متعلم البكالوريا الدولية. سيكون هناك طريقة متوازنة  في تقديم الجلسات، فستكون جلسات بث مباشر وجلسات الفيديو وجلسات مهام وجلسات قائمة على المشاريع وجلسات اخرى. في المجمل، سيكون المعلمين والمعلمات متاحين للطلاب والطالبات خلال الوقت المخصص لتيسير هذه الجلسات ، وسيتم نشر المواد للجلسات بحلول الساعة 9:00 صباحًا من ذات اليوم أو مساء اليوم السابق، علما انه سيتم تسجيل الحضور والمشاركة في جميع الجلسات.   إضافة الى ذلك، نود تذكيركم:
-                        بالتأكيد على طلاب وطالبات k - 5 من تسليم المهام قبل الساعة 7 مساء، و قبل الساعة 9 مساء لطلاب وطالبات المرحلة المتوسطة والثانوية.
-                        بأن المعلمين والمعلمات سيكونون متواجدين من أجل الطلاب والاهالي لتسهيل ودعم التعلم مابين الاوقات التالية: 9:45 صباحاً حتى 3:45 بعد الظهيره، او من خلال التواصل عبر الايميل.
يسري هذا الجدول للتعلم عن بعد إعتبارا من يوم الأحد 22 مارس 2020 وفقًا لما يلي:

1- المدرسة الابتدائية:

سيتواصل المعلمون مع جميع الطلاب عبر قنوات الاتصال الرسمية.

2- المدارس المتوسطة والثانوية:

جدول التعلم الافتراضي على الرابط الآتي:

مدرسة البنين

مدرسة البنات

مع التقدير والاحترام

دمتم في حفظ الله ورعايته

From: Dhahran Ahliyya Schools Administration

To: Respected Parents

Subject: Virtual Learning


As schools are still suspended, Virtual learning continues to take place at DAS. We have designed a balanced schedule that allows interactive sessions that fosters both knowledge and skills, while focusing on the IB learner’s profile. There will be a balanced mode of delivery of sessions to cover live sessions, video recording sessions, assignment sessions, project-based sessions, and other sessions. In general, teachers will be available during the assigned time to facilitate these sessions, and materials will be posted for the sessions by 9:00 AM of the day or the evening of the day before. Attendance and participation will be recorded in all sessions. In addition, we would like to remind you:

-                  To confirm that all k – 5 students need to submit their work before 7:00 pm of each day, and before 9:00 pm for grades 6 – 12 students.

-                  That teachers will be available to support every day from 9:45 am to 3:45 pm, or via email.

The virtual learning schedule will be effective Sunday March 22, 2020 according to the following:

1-Elementary School:

Teachers will communicate with all students via official communications channels.

2-Middle and High Schools:

Virtual learning schedule is posted here:

Boys School 

Girls School

With lots of appreciation

Stay safe and healthy.


The second trimester agenda of  the coming academic year 2023/2024, for boys’ and girls’ schools

School Calendar 2023-2024  | pdf |