The ADP admits students starting grade 9 however students can be admitted to grade 10 in some cases. The admission to ADP from outside DAS is determined by the results of the entrance exams and is studied on case-by-case bases.

Admission or transfer requirement to ADP can be summarized as follows:
• Provided that a place is available in the program, every grade 8 student is eligible to join the ADP in grade 9 if he or she meets the grade level expectation on reading in the results of the MAP test taken in the spring of grade 8.
• Provided that a place is available in the program, every grade 9 student is eligible to transfer to ADP in grade 10 if he or she is above grade level expectations in both reading and math in the results of the MAP test taken in the spring of grade 9, and is recommended for that by his teachers.
• Priority in places in the ADP is always given to DAS students over students coming from outside.


Besides the cumulative GPA of students, there are four other elements that condition student’ graduation from the ADP: earning the required credits, engaging with technology, maintaining the senior project, and involvement in extra-curricular activities.

Accordingly, by the end of grade 12, every graduate from the program will have:

• Earned at least 26.5 credits by meeting the course requirements shown in the Organization of Program.
• Showed evidence of taking at least one online course during ADP years.
• Passed the Senior Project Course
• Had a cumulative GPA of at least 70.
• Met the extra-curricular activities and community service requirement.