To: The Parents and Guardians of Our PYP Students
Assalam Alaikom wa rahmat Allah Wa Barakatoh
On behalf of all the members of our school community, we welcome you to a new academic year as partners of your children’s learning journey in the IB PYP program.
DAS is a bilingual - Arabic and English - school. The school’s program focuses on teaching the Arabic Language during the early childhood years, and it also teaches English as a second language. From grade 3 onwards, other subjects such as: science, math and social studies are taught in English to increase students’ exposure to the English Language.
As stated in DAS mission, the school strives to empower each student to be a compassionate, thinking, lifelong bi-lingual learner who makes a positive difference, locally and globally. This is achieved through offering service as action which helps students exhibit the IB Learner profile, and it helps develop students’ agency to promote ownership of the service offered inside or outside the school.
We always looks forward to your active involvement in supporting your children’s participation in the different programs offered by the school. Active involvement will help them become internationally minded individuals who are active in the local and international communities. It will also empower them to achieve the Kingdom’s Vision of 2030.
We appreciate your feedback and questions to help us in DAS continuous improvement as our logo stated every year will be better than the year before.