Six transdisciplinary themes provide the framework for exploration of knowledge. DAS establishes a firm foundation in the core subjects of Arabic and English language, social studies, math & science (taught in both languages alternately, one year in Arabic and the following year in English) through the Units of Inquiry.
The curriculum is enriched through special subject classes that connect to the Units of Inquiry including arts, technology, library, personal, social and physical education (PSPE), and Islamic education.
The culmination of this process is highlighted in the final year of PYP. Grade 5 students put on an exhibition where they celebrate their achievements with their fellow classmates during a whole day exhibition where they invite their parents, relatives and even friends.
Student assessment is conducted through a variety of techniques including daily observations, performance tasks, and formative & summative assessments.
Language![IMG 9713](/images/PYP/Website%20PYP%20pictures/Articales/IMG_9713.JPG)
As a bilingual school, we implement the Balanced Literacy Program to teach both languages. We cultivate lifelong readers and writers by catering to their individual needs. We develop proficiency in language by focusing on the skills and strategies of reading, writing, speaking and listening, and viewing and presenting. Our classroom setup, including classroom libraries, supports and promotes the learning of both languages. classrooms are also equipped with a variety of resources to assist in all types of learning.
We develop mathematical concepts by using inquiry in our math classes. The students are involved in developing number sense, fluency, and computational thinking skills. We not only develop content knowledge but also cater to them as learners by focusing on mathematical practices and their implementation in daily classes through implicit teaching and self-reflection. We teach mathematics in Arabic for grades 1,2,3, and 5 whereas mathematics in English is taught in grade 4.
In teaching science, we focus on three main dimensions of our science curriculum. We integrate the engineering practices with the disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts. The students are immersed in inquiry lessons to develop a deeper understanding of the world around them through the conceptual lens of their units.
Religious Studies
In grades 1 & 2, we teach integrated Religious Studies lessons. While in grades 3 to 5, we work on teaching students Quran recitation as well as Quran and Sunnah comprehension skills and values. We focus on providing the students with the basic knowledge of “Fiqah and Tawheed” to apply it to their daily lives.
Social Studies![IMG 3367](/images/PYP/Website%20PYP%20pictures/Articales/IMG_3367.JPG)
In Social studies, we develop citizenship and identity by teaching the geographical aspects of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Countries which includes the main aspects of geography such as locations, regions, movement, and interactions of different people. In the light of the international standards, the social studies curriculum for grades 1-5 also develops international mindedness by tackling global issues and current affairs within our units of inquiry. We study topics related to the environment and sustainability, personal history and civilizations and the ever-changing and dynamic human societies and cultures.
We teach the principles of arts throughout a variety of projects that are relevant and authentic and vary from drawing and painting to designing and building with the aim at developing the students’ artistic sense and strengthening their art criticism and social skills.
Information And Communication Technology (ICT)
Our students are “growing up digital” with easy real-time access to vast amounts of information, people, and interactive media via the Internet and other Information Communication Technology. ICT Teachers are preparing students for future roles and occupations in society that may not currently exist. It is certain that they will need to be digitally literate for these future roles and responsibilities. Therefore, there is a need to address ICT not as a separate stand-alone program, but rather, as a tool to be used for the enhancement of learning, communication, and creativity. The curricula are based on international standards starting from grade 1 to grade 5 in which we work on developing the digital citizenship within DAS students.
Personal, Social, and Physical Education (PSPE)![IMG 6651](/images/PYP/Website%20PYP%20pictures/Articales/IMG_6651.JPG)
Personal, social, and physical education in a PYP school is more than just student participation in sports and games. Its purpose is to develop a combination of transferable skills promoting physical, intellectual, emotional, and social development; to encourage present and future choices that contribute to long-term healthy living; and to understand the cultural significance of physical activities for individuals and communities.