At the end of the four-year program, students are provided with a unique opportunity to present their Senior Project. This represents two years’ (four semester) worth of work on a student chosen topic of their own interest. This original piece of extended research is exclusively designed by every student in the ADP with the help of the student’s teacher and mentor, to match the student’s areas of interest, motive, and commitment to service. Students start with their Senior Project at the beginning of grade 11, and are expected to finish it by the end of grade 12 where it is judged by a committee of school professionals. Practically speaking, there are four courses split over the last four semesters of the ADP; the collective work put in these four courses make the senior project complete at the end of the fourth semester in grade 12. However, each course has a clear product and clear criteria of evaluation; a final grade is given to each of the four Senior Project courses.
The Senior Project is a graduation requirement that has specific expectations and its own criteria of evaluation and grade computations. For more information, please refer to the Guide of Senior Project.