MYP projects provide students the opportunity to demonstrate what they have learned in the MYP.
In MYP year 3, Grade 8, all students must complete a community project. This community project is a collaborative in-depth inquiry that focuses on community and service. It encourages students to explore their rights and responsibilities to participate in service as action in the community.
In MYP year 4 through year 5, Grade 9-10, all students must complete a personal project. This project is a student-centered and age-appropriate practical exploration in which students consolidate their learning throughout the programme. The personal project reports are externally moderated by the IB to ensure a globally consistent standard of excellence. These internationally recognized awards validate student learning and can support university admission applications.

MYP Community Projects

As an eighth grader in the Middle Years Program (MYP3), DAS students embark on a wonderful journey of learning and exploration through completing the mandatory Community Projects course.
The Community Project:

• is a graded subject which is included in the final report card.
• is an in-depth inquiry that focuses on community and service.
• aims to help students raise awareness, participate actively, research, inform others, create/innovate, change behavior, or advocate.
• consists of four main components: a community service, a process journal, a reflection paper, and an exhibition.
• is completed in small groups of students supervised by a mentor who supports them throughout the project.
• is scheduled for 2 periods each week and completed by the end of the year.
The Community Project encourages students to:
• explore their right and responsibility to participate in service as action in the community.
• become aware of needs in various communities and address those needs through service learning.
• practice and strengthen their learning skills.
• connect classroom learning with personal experience.
• reflect on learning and share knowledge, views, and opinions with others.

Sample Community Projects

DAS Community Projects Workbook

Personal Projects

MYP ninth grade students complete the mandatory Personal Projects course. This long-term project assesses students’ approaches-to-learning (ATL) skills for self-management, research, communication, critical & creative thinking, and collaboration.

The Personal Project:

• is a personal investigation of a topic or area in which the student is deeply interested.
• may be a research project, a piece of writing, a piece of art, or any creative work.
• consists of four main components: a product, a process journal, a written report, and exhibition.
• is scheduled for 2 periods each week, in which students work individually and are supervised by a mentor who supports them throughout the project.
• begins in the 2nd semester of 9th Grade Diploma (MYP4) and continues into the 10th Grade (MYP5).
• is a graded subject which is included in the final report.
• involves the families in both the selection process of the topic and their attendance at the Projects Exhibition to witness the finished work created by the students.
The Personal Project encourages students to:
• practice and strengthen their learning skills.
• connect classroom learning with personal experience.
• engage in personal inquiry, action, and reflection on specific topics and issues.
• reflect on learning and share knowledge, views, and opinions with others.
• develop their own interests for lifelong learning.

Sample Personal Projects

DAS Personal Projects Guide

For Further Information
DAS Project Responsible:
Ms. Mirna Kachour at +966-13-891-9444 at ext. 2205
Mr. Walid Al-Lithy +966-13-891-9222 at ext. 3344